Next Step Conversations

Feeling stalled in your faith? Trying to figure out what’s next?

No matter where you are on your faith journey, we can help you identify and take your best next step!
Email Clint and he'll get back to you to arrange a time for a chat.

More than a conversation, it’s a proven process that is...

Personalised  |  Spirit Led  |  Action Oriented

Moving forward in your faith is too important to neglect.
Don’t be left feeling stalled, stuck or struggling in your faith.
Commit to a Next Step Conversation now.

To make progress, all you need to do is:




Book a chat 

We know what it’s like to feel stalled or stuck in your faith. Months, even years, passing without clear and evident growth. It’s incredibly frustrating. After years of research, and then years of refinement, we are confident the Next Step Conversation process will take you from frustrated to focused. From feeling stalled to stepping forward. 

Jesus simply invited people to 'follow Him.'

He didn't make things complicated, difficult or theologically complex. He made it simple. Doable. Exciting.

So that's what we've done.  

No matter where you are on your journey. If you're just beginning and know very little. If you're new to faith and wondering what next. If you've been a Christian for decades and living a Christ-centred life. We are here to help you move forward.

Want to understand the process in more detail? These resources will help:

 (for those who want less detail and a quick read)
(for those who want a lot of detail)