What's Coming Up

This Sunday


As a follower of Jesus, John was an eyewitness to the miracles, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of a man he concluded was the Son of God. Late in life, John compiled his account of Jesus’ life, purposely including stories and details to convince those of us who would come generations later—who couldn’t weren’t there like he was—to reach the same conclusion. Which leaves us with a question: Do we?

In person:  Sundays 9.30am and 11am.
On demand: Anytime via Youtube or the LifeSwitch app.

Camp Survivor - April 2025

Registrations of Interest are now open

Camp Survivor is COMING! This year is also extra special because we are celebrating 20 Years of Camp Survivor and to celebrate we are creating more spots for more kids to come and experience Camp Survivor by running camp in both the  April school holidays AND the September/October school holidays.

Years 6 & 8 get their chance to come first in the upcoming April school holidays. (Years 5&7 will be in Sept/October).