Little Switchers

Helping preschoolers discover God in a fun and engaging way.

2 to 4-year-olds love to learn. Our Little Switchers environment is colourful, interactive and designed to help these little ones start to understand who God is. Led by volunteers who care about each individual child, our preschoolers get to discover Jesus and the Bible in bite size pieces each week. 

We use an amazing curriculum that is designed to partner with the Bible App for Kids - a super fun way to read and interact with the Bible for your kids anytime, anywhere! You can download it, interact online and find out more here.

We love the Bible App for Kids!

Hey Parents/Caregivers

We care about what is important to you. Our biggest goal at Little Switchers it to partner with you to raise great kids. And there are three main ways we strive to do this:


We use only the best volunteers. We Have a thorough vetting process for every volunteer in SwitchKids, including a Police Check. Our team are passionate about each individual child and will do their best to care for all their needs. Be sure to let the leaders know if you have any special instructions or requests for your child so that we can work with you during this stage in your child’s life.


We encourage the partnering resources on the Bible App for Kids to keep the conversation going. You will also receive regular emails with topics we are going to be covering and the relating Bible App for Kids story that will be used. These are provided to give you the opportunity to be in the know about what your kids are learning and to encourage the continuation of learning into the week at home.


We seek out great tools and resources to help you. We know the influence you have at home far outweighs what we can do with an hour a week. We also know that parenting can be difficult at the best of times. So we are passionate about identifying some amazing resources for parents that we know will benefit all parents immensely.

For all things parenting check out Parent Cue!

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