Helping young people develop a faith of their own.

Wednesdays 3:30-5:00PM  |  The Youth Space  |  Silverstream Retreat

What do you get up to on a Wednesday afternoon?? Whatever it is, IGGY tops it!

Each Wednesday throughout the school terms from 3:30pm we meet up for epic games, food, loads of fun and helpful messages. If you're at intermediate, grab your mates, and come kick it with us. Every few weeks, we change it up! Whether it be a bonfire, indoor sports or free pizza, we will keep you in the loop!

To register to come to IGGY please complete the quick form below. You can also use this form to register for the free bus pick up service we offer from a number of intermediate schools.


Sundays 9:30AM & 11AM  |  LifeSwitch

Every Sunday we run a programme for our intermediates to delve deeper into the Bible, discuss faith and enjoy chips and a drink around the fire in the Cafe.
We meet in the Cafe at LifeSwitch (look for the IGGY flag) for both the 9.30am service and the 11am service.

Hey Parents/Caregivers...

As you know, the intermediate years of a young person’s life are no-doubt challenging. Transitioning from a child into a teenager, wanting more independence yet still in need of a lot of guidance is a confusing time. These young people are faced everyday with decisions and pressures that will begin to define their futures. It is during this age that they are swamped with media, societal pressure, and the desire to impress. 

IGGY exists to help young-teenagers journey their way through all the opportunities and challenges that they face and to help them build a strong foundation for the future. We aim to create an exciting and inclusive environment. A place to feel safe, welcome and part of a second family.
We count it a great privilege each week to have a role in the lives of these young people who attend IGGY and we want to assure you that we take very seriously the responsibility we have been given to develop and lead them. And although there is no greater voice in the life of a child than that of a parent, we will continue to do our utmost to ensure the encouragement and growth of young people entrusted to us.

Our heart is to partner with you and assist each young person the best we can.

If you ever have any questions or concerns feel free to get in touch with Jono – 021 279 9663 – jono@lifeswitch.org.nz

Got questions?