Discipleship Group

Tuesdays 7-8.30PM  |  Harbourview  |  Led by Brian Ross

Pathway to God - How to get on it OR Learn practical biblical steps that will provide you with increased confidence, enabling you to lead others onto this path.

This group is for those who want to gain and maintain a personal relationship with God. The focus will be on discipleship - helping you learn practical skills to build your confidence in opening up the Bible to lead a friend, work colleague or family member onto a pathway with God. Or simply find out how you can get onto that path yourself and be sure you have an eternity with God. How do we know we are on the right path? We can easily be fooled and think, yes, I am part of God’s family, but it’s important to be certain.

You might be considering a faith journey, or have walked with the Lord for many years, but wish to now build a stronger foundation. You may be considering a pathway to God and have some questions, like what is the cost? What changes might this mean for me and what does it mean in the daily decisions I make?