Our Story

How it all started...

In the early 2000’s a group of industrious, faith filled, pioneers sensed that there was something wrong with the church they had become. Yes it was meeting their needs. It was providing great community, relationships were flourishing and teaching was spot on for those inside it. At least those over 30. Yet they became actually aware that the church wasn’t close to reaching its full potential. It was sadly out of touch with the unchurched public. That no one was willing to invite friends along. While visitors might turn up once, they wouldn’t be back.

So they rallied together. They dreamed big, they prayed, they studied and they opened themselves up to God’s guidance. They essentially concluded that if we want to reach people that no one else is reaching, we need to do things that no one else is doing.

Driven by this desire of what could be, they determined to become a church that was well beyond themselves. A church that was for people who don’t go to church. A church that isn’t content to feed the already full, but who were willing to take the message of eternal life, the message of a better life to everyone and anyone. A church of people who determined ‘It’s not about us.’ They were willing to lay aside their own personal preferences, their comfort so that the message that had so radically transformed them and impacted them would be accessible to so many others. So they stepped out in faith, they risked big, they copped flack, they paid a huge price. Yet in doing so, they laid a foundation on which many have found faith.  

Where we are headed...

They saw a church that had a continuous stream of unchurched people finding their way through the doors. A church where people who never went to church would be comfortable, where things would be done so well and so creatively that they would find themselves engaged. A community so strong that it people were attracted to it and so inclusive they instantly felt part of it. Where the teaching was so relevant and helpful that even the skeptical would lean in.

A church where friendships were forged and families were strengthened. A church where people would turn to Christ, where they would grow in their faith, grow to the point where their relationship with Jesus would be classified as the most important relationship in their life. A church where young people were excited to be and environments were created for them to connect with God on their level. A church that would incite wonder, provoke discovery and fuel passion. Where those who attended weren’t encouraged but compelled to bring their friends and family. A church where Christ like character is cultivated and the fruit of the spirit evident. A church where God is seen, love is felt and lives are changed.  

What this means for you...

The Church they saw, and the church we see are identical. The vision has not changed. We still exist to connect people to God, that has not and will not waver.

What does this mean for you? Most importantly, you're always welcome at LifeSwitch. We're saving a seat for you. Wherever you're at in your faith journey, you'll always be welcome, valued, safe and accepted as part of our community.

Be a part of our story...

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